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Breast Cancer Early Detection

What’s it all about?

Breast Cancer Early Detection

Around 5,000 women are diagnosed with breast cancer in Austria each year. A mammogram is an X-ray image of the breast and is currently the best early detection method for early-stage breast cancer. The health service therefore offers women a free breast cancer early detection programme.

Who can take part?

Breast Cancer Early Detection Program

Participation is recommended especially for women between the ages of 45 and 74.

You are between 45 and 74 years old? Your e-card is automatically activated for breast cancer screening every two years.


You are between 40 and 45 years old, aged 74 years or older? If you wish to go for breast cancer screening, you can register online or by phone. We recommend that you discuss your participation with your physician.


The Austrian Breast Cancer Screening Programme is aimed at healthy women who have no apparent symptoms of breast cancer and who are at no increased risk of breast cancer. Do you have any symptoms? Please see your doctor straight away.

Examination with High Quality

Think about it and decide


– Breast cancer cannot be prevented, but it can be detected early on.

– Early detection means that treatment can be less aggressive and is more likely to be successful.
– The long-term aim is to reduce breast cancer mortality.



  • Abnormal results can cause unnecessary worry even if the results of follow-up testing are negative.
  • Some tumours do not grow at all and others grow so slowly they may never become clinically relevant. However, if a tumour is detected by a mammogram some form of treatment is usually recommended.
  • Mammograms expose the breasts to small amounts of radiation. These doses are kept as low as possible though.


You can rest assured that the quality of mammography examinations is constantly monitored and improved. The  mammography machines are low-radiation, digital units that undergo regular quality control. All radiology technicians and radiologists are specially trained and have proven experience in the field. If medically necessary, an ultrasound examination will be carried out in addition to the mammogram.


Breast Cancer Early Detection Screening

International studies recommend that women go for a breast cancer early detection examination every two years. This is also the case in Austria.


If you notice any abnormalities or symptoms, your doctor may refer you for a mammogram at any time, regardless of your age.

Make an Appointment

You can make an appointment for a mammogram with any radiology centre that participates in the Breast Cancer Early Detection Programme. A list of radiology centres in your province will be enclosed with the reminder letter from the health service. A list of all radiology centres in Austria can be found on our website.

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Free telephone helpline

You will receive your results by post or you can collect them from the radiology centre. If you wish, your results will also be sent to your doctor.


Free telephone helpline: 0800 500 181
(Mon – Fri 8.00 to 18.00)